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Learn known

and unknown facts

about the

Brothers Grimm

A family in the permanent exhibition.
IMAGINARIUM in der GRIMMWELT Kassel | Illustration Josef Sodomka
Belegzettel des Deutschen Wörterbuchs der Grimms hängen an einer Wand.

Next event

Märchenstunde | The Fairy Godmother

Today | 11.30 am

»Nachts im Märchen«
Grimms Märchenstunde

Special Exhibition

IMAGINARIUM - Ausstellungsmotiv


The new temporary exhibition at the GRIMMWELT Kassel from 9 May to 13 October 2024 will bring to life the world of Czech puppet and travelling theatre, its art, and the fairy tales and stories that go with it.

Permanent Exhibition

Mother and child look at fairy tale books in the "Folk tales" section.

GRIMMWELT adventure space

Experience fairy tale collectors and linguists Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm in this fascinating world of knowledge and discovery.