The Rumpelstiltskin File. Looking for clues in fairy tales and law.

Sep 29, 2023 - Apr 14, 2024
Special Exhibition


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Themen-Führung | »Licht-Bilder« | © GRIMMWELT Kassel | Foto: Nikolaus Frank

Today | 03.00 pm


Special Exhibition

Title motif for the exhibition  ‘Light-Pictures’ | Alexej Tchernyi


From November 30, 2024, we present the work of Berlin artist Alexej Tchernyi in our new special exhibition.

Permanent Exhibition

Mother and child look at fairy tale books in the "Folk tales" section.

GRIMMWELT adventure space

Experience fairy tale collectors and linguists Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm in this fascinating world of knowledge and discovery.

Installation des Volksgeist mit bedruckten Stoffbahnen die von der Decke hängen

»Der Volksgeist«

Mutter und Tochter auf dem Thron

Those who feel like it can climb the throne & take selfies.

Junge sitzt auf Boden und bearbeitet die Rätselspur

Riddle booklet »Meine Akte Rumpelstilzchen« (in German) for children from 6 years old

Titelmotiv zur Sonderausstellung zeigt ein tanzendes Rumpelstilzchen


Sonderausstellung AKTE RUMPELSTILZCHEN | Foto: Nicolas Wefers

Listening stations with perspectives on today's legal system

Buch Deutsche Rechtsalterthümer

The rather unknown work of Jacob Grimm: »Deutsche Rechtsalterthümer«

Illustration des Rumpelstilzchens

Illustration »Rumpelstilzchen«

Sonderausstellung AKTE RUMPELSTILZCHEN | Foto: Nicolas Wefers

Who is the bad one here and who is the good one?

Exhibition opening on 29 September 2023

Wicked wolves, innocent children, villainous robbers and envious stepmothers – the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm offer many opportunities to reflect on right and wrong, good and evil. This is the background of this new temporary exhibition, which is searching for evidence in fairy tales and law.

"The exhibition illuminates the question of right and wrong in three chapters, spanning from the Brothers Grimm's Children's and Household Tales through their lives and work to our present day."

Jan Sauerwald, Director and Head of Programmes of GRIMMWELT Kassel
Sonderausstellung AKTE RUMPELSTILZCHEN | Foto: Nicolas Wefers
Sonderausstellung AKTE RUMPELSTILZCHEN | Foto: Nicolas Wefers
Kinder hören ein Märchen

The exhibition examines the question in three chapters. First, a fairy tale world is waiting for the visitors in which not everything is as clear-cut as it seems at first glance. Then the exhibition introduces the Brothers Grimm as jurists and searches for tracks in their lifetime. And finally, the show takes a look at the present and asks about the relationship between law and justice.

Viele Besucher und Besucherinnen im Bereich des Volksgeistes in der Sonderausstellung

Many hands-on stations invite visitors to become playfully active, to change their perspectives and to take sides. In addition, the exhibition shows original historical exhibits from numerous institutions and museums. An augmented reality app and a quiz trail for children also ensure that researchers, whether grown-ups or youngsters, find something to suit them.

The visit of the exhibition is recommended for children from 12 years, but the first part of the exhibition with fairy tale focus is suitable for younger children.

Schreibmaschine mit getippten Straftaten
Frau schreibt ihr Geheimnis auf einen Zettel
Wie oft haben Sie heute gelogen? ist hier die Frage


The exhibition is sponsored by the city of Kassel and the administrative district of Kassel.

The app for the exhibition is supported by the cdw Foundation and ALG (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Literarischer Gesellschaften und Gedenkstätten e.V.).


»The Rumpelstiltskin File. Looking for clues in fairy tales and law.«

Managing Director | Programme Director GRIMMWELT Kassel:
Jan Sauerwald

Exhibition conception GRIMMWELT Kassel:
Ute Lilly Mohnberg, Claudia Rücker, Johannes Ickler, Claudia Roßkopf

Design | scenography:
m.o.l.i.t.o.r. GmbH

Graphic design | exhibition motif:
Studio Terhedebrügge

Fairytale illustrations:
Yu Kim

Project management:
Maren Allmers

Julia Ronge

Press | public relations | marketing:
Katja Blum

Stefanie Büscher, Christine Großberndt, Johannes Ickler, Lina Schmidt, Timo Vogt

Technical set-up | lighting | media technology:
Rolf Tonhäuser, Sophie Hilbert, Armin Jakob, Ralf Mahr, Weingart & Marth

Art handling | conservational care:
Srećko Barišić

Grimm Collection of the City of Kassel maintenance:
Annekatrin Hanf, Marie-Louise Lange, Daniel Rothen

Editing work:
Rea Triyandafilidis

Translation work:
Neville Williamson

App for the exhibition: GmbH